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ざっくりDocker その1


docker image検索
$ docker search centos
NAME                               DESCRIPTION                                     STARS               OFFICIAL            AUTOMATED
centos                             The official build of CentOS.                   4871                [OK]                
ansible/centos7-ansible            Ansible on Centos7                              119                                     [OK]
jdeathe/centos-ssh                 CentOS-6 6.10 x86_64 / CentOS-7 7.5.1804 x86…   99                                      [OK]
consol/centos-xfce-vnc             Centos container with "headless" VNC session…   67                                      [OK]
imagine10255/centos6-lnmp-php56    centos6-lnmp-php56                              47                                      [OK]
tutum/centos                       Simple CentOS docker image with SSH access      43                                      
centos/mysql-57-centos7            MySQL 5.7 SQL database server                   40                                      
gluster/gluster-centos             Official GlusterFS Image [ CentOS-7 +  Glust…   37                                      [OK]
openshift/base-centos7             A Centos7 derived base image for Source-To-I…   35                                      
centos/postgresql-96-centos7       PostgreSQL is an advanced Object-Relational …   33                                      
centos/python-35-centos7           Platform for building and running Python 3.5…   32                                      
kinogmt/centos-ssh                 CentOS with SSH                                 22                                      [OK]
openshift/jenkins-2-centos7        A Centos7 based Jenkins v2.x image for use w…   18                                      
centos/php-56-centos7              Platform for building and running PHP 5.6 ap…   16                                      
pivotaldata/centos-gpdb-dev        CentOS image for GPDB development. Tag names…   8                                       
openshift/wildfly-101-centos7      A Centos7 based WildFly v10.1 image for use …   6                                       
openshift/jenkins-1-centos7        DEPRECATED: A Centos7 based Jenkins v1.x ima…   4                                       
darksheer/centos                   Base Centos Image -- Updated hourly             3                                       [OK]
pivotaldata/centos-mingw           Using the mingw toolchain to cross-compile t…   2                                       
pivotaldata/centos                 Base centos, freshened up a little with a Do…   2                                       
blacklabelops/centos               CentOS Base Image! Built and Updates Daily!     1                                       [OK]
smartentry/centos                  centos with smartentry                          0                                       [OK]
pivotaldata/centos7-test           CentosOS 7 image for GPDB testing               0                                       
pivotaldata/centos7-build          CentosOS 7 image for GPDB compilation           0                                       
pivotaldata/centos-gcc-toolchain   CentOS with a toolchain, but unaffiliated wi…   0          
docker image ダウンロード


$ docker pull centos:latest
latest: Pulling from library/centos
aeb7866da422: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:67dad89757a55bfdfabec8abd0e22f8c7c12a1856514726470228063ed86593b
Status: Downloaded newer image for centos:latest
$ docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
centos              latest              75835a67d134        3 weeks ago         200MB

(例)centosのイメージを元に「"docker run test"」を表示するコンテナ起動

$ docker run centos:latest echo 'docker run test'
docker run test

(例)centosのイメージを元にコンテナ起動 オプションの-itで実行したコンテナで作業ができる。

$ docker run -it centos:latest /bin/bash 
[root@fd3c1abd7c42 /]# 

control + p + q で終了した場合はコンテを終了しないで抜ける。

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
9f79e05f1056        centos:latest       "/bin/bash"         16 seconds ago      Up 15 seconds                           inspiring_blackwell




$ docker attach 9f79e05f1056
[root@9f79e05f1056 /]#